Monday, 14 May 2018

Spread Smiles 1439

Spread smiles this Ramadhan. Donate your clothes. Comfy will pick your donation, wash, and deliver it to those in needs.
Tebarkan senyum di bulan Ramadhan. Kumpulkan pakaian layak pakai anda. Comfy akan menjemput donasi anda, mencuci, dan membagikannya kepada yang membutuhkan. .
#spreadsmiles1439 #comfylaundry #comfykarbela #comfybenhil #comfytamanrasuna #laundryjakarta #donasi #donasipakaian #clothesdonation #csr

Friday, 11 May 2018

Scheduling your Laundry

Scheduling a laundry pick up as simple as it can be is still time consuming. However having loads of stinky clothes is not a good option.

So, how to optimize your laundry pickups?

The best option is to have your laundry pickup and delivery done together. Have a bi-weekly cycle.

For example, schedule a pickup on Wednesday and get it delivered on Sunday and gave the next batch of clothes for washing.

This saves your time and lets you always have a set of fresh clothes and reduces the number of dirty clothes in your living space.

Let your laundry experience be Comfy with our laundry :)


  Pasti semua sobat Comfy pernah mendengar layanan dry clean kan? Tapi pasti masih banyak yang bingung apa perbedaan dry clean dengan cuc...